+04 222 25151
Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.30pm - Most Saturdays - 9am - 1pm
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+04 222 25151
Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.30pm & Sat: 9 - 1pm
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benjamin McAvoy

Microbial X1


60 Capsules - Take 1 Tablet 3 times per day with food. ( Digest Plus Works well with this product)


Microbia X1 is a potent combination of botanicals to provide a targeted yet comprehensive anti-microbial effect.


It is ideal for individuals needing to address bowel flora imbalances revealed through clinical stool testing. Inhibits intestinal bacterial overgrowth, Helps modulate flora populations.



  • Provides targeted yet comprehensive botanical actions against certain organisms. (Revealed through live culture sensitivity testing).
  • Inhibits Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Contains herbs that display antiparasitic activity
  • Broad spectrum activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria


Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi dry Leaf Extract

Lythrum Saicaris Herb Extract

Berberis Vukgaris stem Bark Extract

Olea European (Live) leaf Extract

Punica Granatum Fruit Peal Extract

Benjamin McAvoy
Benjamin McAvoy
ACONT is a TGA Schedule 1 listed association (Therapeutic Goods Act 1990, Section 42AA, Attachment 2). Benjamin’s Membership Number is 602019

Benjamin Mcavoy

Email : Message Here
Phone : 0422225151
Address : Horseshoe Bend - Central Maitland NSW 2320 Australia
Hours Are Flexible
Mon – Fri : 9.30am – 5.30pm
Sat : 9am – 12pm - Alternate Saturday's