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benjamin McAvoy

Doctor's Data

2 Customised Hormone Panels

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3 - 4 weeks

Choose any 2 hormones: Cortisol - Evening, Cortisol - PM, Secretory IgA, Cortisol - AM30, Cortisol - AM60, Cortisol - Noon, Melatonin - Evening, Melatonin - PM, Cortisol - Waking, DHEA (D), Melatonin - AM, Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), Estradiol (E2), Estriol (E3), Estrone (E1)

Adrenal Hormone Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Testing for a range of adrenal hormones

5 tests - DHEA (D), Cortisol (C) x4 (AM/Noon/Evening/PM)

Basic Hormone Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Testing for a range of major reproductive and adrenal hormones

5 tests - Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA (D), Cortisol (C) (AM Only)


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3 - 4 weeks

Measurement of Beta-Glucuronidase, an enzyme responsible for breaking the bond between toxins and glucuronic acid, thereby decreasing the excretion of toxins and increasing their recirculation

Markers - ,Quantitative measurement of Beta-Glucuronidase in stool

Comprehensive Drinking Water Analysis

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Liquid Sample
3 - 4 weeks

Analysis for a range of elements and pH of a water sample

Markers - Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Fluoride, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Thallium, Uranium, Zinc, pH

Comprehensive Clostridium Culture

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3 - 4 weeks

Identification of a wide range of the subspecies of the Clostridia pathogen

Markers - Full Clostridia Subspecies Identification (nearly 40 species)

Comprehensive Hormone Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Testing for a range of major reproductive and adrenal hormones

Markers - 8 tests - Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA (D), Cortisol (C) x4 (AM/Noon/Evening/PM)

Comprehensive Plus Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Comprehensive testing for a range of reproductive and adrenal hormones

Markers - 10 tests - Recommended for women only- Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), Estriol (E3), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA (D), Cortisol (C) x4 (AM/Noon/Evening/PM)

Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CSA)

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment for the status of gut bacteria and overall digestive function, as well as the presence of pathogenic microbes

Markers - Acetate, Additional pathogens culture, Bacteriology culture, aerobic, Butyrate, Calprotectin, Carbohydrates, Elastase, Fat Stain, Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, Mucus, Muscle Fibres, Occult Blood, Propionate, Red Blood Cells, Valerate, Vegetable Fibres, White Blood Cells, Yeast culture, ph, sIgA

Comprehensive Stool Analysis + Parasitology (CSA+P)

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment for the status of gut bacteria and overall digestive function, as well as the presence of pathogenic microbes

Markers - Acetate, Additional pathogens culture, Bacteriology culture, aerobic, Butyrate, Calprotectin, Carbohydrates, Cryptosporidium, Day 2 Parasitology*, trichrome, Day 3 Parasitology*, trichrome, Elastase, Fat Stain, Giardia lamblia, Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, Mucus, Muscle Fibres, Occult Blood, Parasitology, concentrate, Parasitology, trichrome, Propionate, Red Blood Cells, Valerate, Vegetable Fibres, White Blood Cells, Yeast culture, pH, sIgA

Culture PCR + Parasitology (CP+P)

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3 - 4 weeks

Analysis of stool sample for the presence of a range of parasites, bacteria and yeasts

Markers - Pathogens culture, Bacteriology culture, Cryptosporidium, Day 2 Parasitology, trichrome, Day 3 Parasitology, trichrome, Giardia lamblia, Parasitology, concentrate, Parasitology, trichrome, Yeast culture

Diurnal Cortisol Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Testing for a range of adrenal hormones

Markers - 4 tests - Cortisol (C) x4 (AM/Noon/Evening/PM)

3 - 4 weeks

Advanced Assessment of gut bacteria and overall digestive function

Markers - PCR - microbiome diversity and abundance; PCR - viruses, pathogens and parasites; Microscopy - expanded parasitology; MALDI-TOF MS - bacterial and fungal culturomics with direct susceptibilities, Stool Chemistries

GI360 Essentials

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3 - 4 weeks

Advanced Assessment of gut bacteria and overall digestive function

Markers - PCR - microbiome diversity and abundance; PCR - viruses, pathogens and parasites; Microscopy - expanded parasitology; MALDI-TOF MS - bacterial and fungal culturomics with direct susceptibilities, Stool Chemistries

GI360 Microbiome

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment of gastrointestinal tract microbial diversity and abundance

Markers PCR - microbiome diversity and abundance

Gluten Sensitivity Panel – Blood Spot

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Blood Spot
3 - 4 weeks

Assesses markers for the presence of immune reactivity to gluten and various protein complexes found in a variety of grains

Markers - Gluten (IgG), DGP (IgA, IgG), Gliadin (IgA, IgG)

Gluten Sensitivity Panel – Serum

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Blood Draw
3 - 4 weeks

Assesses markers for the presence of immune reactivity to gluten and various protein complexes found in a variety of grains

Markers - Total IgA, Wheat IgE, tTG (IgA, IgG), DGP (IgA, IgG), Gliadin (IgA, IgG)

H. Pylori – Stool

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3 - 4 weeks

Qualitative detection for the presence of H

Markers - Qualitative Detection of H. Pylori antigen

Hair Analysis

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment for the presence and the amount of various metals in hair samples

Markers - 39 elements - Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Germanium, Iodine, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Rubidium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulphur, Thallium, Thorium, Tin, Titanium, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium


Hepatic Detoxification Profile (HDP)

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment of a range of biomakers indicative of liver function and the ability of the liver to detoxify

Markers - Urine Phase I D-Glucaric & Phase II Mercapturic Acids

HuMAP + Basic Neurotransmitters

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3 - 4 weeks

The HuMap (Hormone and Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile) plus Neurotransmitters Profile is the most comprehensive test on the market to assess sex & adrenal hormones and neurotransmitter function.

HuMAP + Comprehensive Neurotransmitters

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3 - 4 weeks

The HuMap (Hormone and Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile) plus Neurotransmitters Profile is the most comprehensive test on the market to assess sex & adrenal hormones and neurotransmitter function.

Melatonin Panel

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3 - 4 weeks

Testing for the levels of melatonin, an antioxidant and the major hormone impacting the sleep cycle

Markers - 3 tests - Melatonin (M) x3 (AM/Evening/PM)

Methylation Profile

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Blood Draw
3 - 4 weeks

Assessment of the functionality of the methylation cycle and it's associated intermediates

Markers - Cystathionine, Cysteine, Homocysteine, Methionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, S-adenosylmethionine, SAM, SAH ratio

Microbiology Profile

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3 - 4 weeks

Assessment for the presence of a wide range of bacteria and yeasts, alongside the susceptibility of the microbes to both natural and medicinal compounds

Markers - Bacteria & Yeasts Culture – with Sensitivity Testing

Benjamin McAvoy
Benjamin McAvoy
ACONT is a TGA Schedule 1 listed association (Therapeutic Goods Act 1990, Section 42AA, Attachment 2). Benjamin’s Membership Number is 602019

Benjamin Mcavoy

Email : Message Here
Phone : 0422225151
Address : Horseshoe Bend - Central Maitland NSW 2320 Australia
Hours Are Flexible
Mon – Fri : 9.30am – 5.30pm
Sat : 9am – 12pm - Alternate Saturday's