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benjamin McAvoy

DNA Life Testing

DNA Life offers tools to turn genetic results into practical health solutions.

Use various DNA tests to better understand what patients need for optimal health and nutrition. These tests cover a range of genetic factors, including:

  • Weight Management
  • Chronic Disease Risk Management
  • Athletic Performance
  • Recovery from High-Intensity Exercise


DNA Health identifies genes linked to energy, wellbeing, and overall health by suggesting better lifestyle and diet choices, along with tailored supplements to address specific nutritional gaps or genetic weaknesses. The DNA Health approach determines the best nutrition for good health, energy, longevity, and risk reduction.

Recommendations for many of the examined genes include optimizing the amounts of certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. For instance, some individuals may need more folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, or omega-3 fatty acids, which might require supplementation.
The results offer unique insights to guide personalized dietary recommendations for optimal health and disease prevention. These outcomes allow for wellness management by:

Enhancing energy, wellbeing, and health
Making better lifestyle and dietary choices
Using supplements tailored to address specific nutritional deficits or genetic predispositions
DNA Health tests for 32 gene SNPs involved in the following biological processes:

- Methylation
- Inflammation
- Oxidative Stress
- Lipid/Cholesterol Metabolism
- Bone Health
- Insulin Sensitivity
- Food/Nutrient Responses
Improve your health by using DNA tests to understand your personal diet, lifestyle, and supplement needs better.
Focus on specific and clinically important SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).
Highlights the connection between genes, nutrition, and lifestyle.


Analysis of genetic variants provides the most effective diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical recommendations to optimize energy levels, support weight management, and enhance endurance and resilience.

DNA Active offers patients an analysis of genetic variants related to exercise potential, performance, and recovery. This helps determine the best diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical interventions to optimize energy, manage weight, and improve endurance and resilience.
DNA Active supports practitioners in proactively supporting potentially genetically vulnerable areas and support performance goals, through lifestyle and nutritional recommendations, based upon individual genetics.
- Injury Potential
- Recovery
- Endurance Potential
- Power Potential
- Peak Training Time
- Muscle Cramping Susceptibility
- Caffeine Metabolism
- Pressure Response
- Saturated Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Exercise for Weight Management
- Focus on specific and clinically important genetic SNPs.
- Includes genetic variants related to exercise potential, performance, and recovery.
- Helps identify the most effective diet and exercise program for individual patients.


DNA Health identifies genes linked to energy, wellbeing, and overall health by suggesting better lifestyle and diet choices, along with tailored supplements to address specific nutritional gaps or genetic weaknesses. The DNA Health approach determines the best nutrition for good health, energy, longevity, and risk reduction.

Recommendations for many of the examined genes include optimizing the amounts of certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. For instance, some individuals may need more folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, or omega-3 fatty acids, which might require supplementation.
The results offer unique insights to guide personalized dietary recommendations for optimal health and disease prevention. These outcomes allow for wellness management by:

Enhancing energy, wellbeing, and health
Making better lifestyle and dietary choices
Using supplements tailored to address specific nutritional deficits or genetic predispositions
DNA Health tests for 32 gene SNPs involved in the following biological processes:

- Methylation
- Inflammation
- Oxidative Stress
- Lipid/Cholesterol Metabolism
- Bone Health
- Insulin Sensitivity
- Food/Nutrient Responses
Improve your health by using DNA tests to understand your personal diet, lifestyle, and supplement needs better.
Focus on specific and clinically important SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).
Highlights the connection between genes, nutrition, and lifestyle.


Research indicates that neuropsychiatric disorders contribute to up to 25% of all disability-adjusted life years. Although these mental disorders have a significant hereditary component, environmental factors also play a role in their development.
The DNA Mind test examines 30 genes that have significant associations with major mental health disorders. Genetic variations related to key biological processes can help understand strategies to potentially prevent the onset of various neurological disorders.
DNA MIND examines genes across the following areas:

- Neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Cognitive Decline
- Risk factors for Alcohol, Nicotine, Cannabis & Opioid Dependence; Psychosis response from Cannabis use; Eating Disorders (Binge Eating)
- Adrenaline-seeking, Risk-taking behavior
- Mood disorders: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress
- Identification of the level of impact of genetic variants
- Explanation of their impact on specific biochemical areas
- Explanation of each area's impact on mental health


DNA Oestrogen is a genetic test designed to analyze variations in genes associated with oestrogen metabolism and detoxification pathways. Oestrogen hormones play crucial roles in the growth, differentiation, and function of various tissues in the body. Improving oestrogen metabolism is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing oestrogen-dominant conditions such as endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, uterine fibroids, or those with a family history of breast, uterine, ovarian, or prostate cancer.
The DNA Oestrogen report comprises four main components:

1. Summary of gene results
2. Oestrogen metabolism and detoxification pathway infographic
3. Gene and genotype-specific content
4. Nutrition guidelines for improving oestrogen metabolism
- CYP1A1
- CYP1B1
- CYP17A
- NQ01
Identifies variations in key genes responsible for metabolizing estrogen and related compounds.
Evaluates the effects of high-risk variations.
Offers intervention strategies for carriers of these variations.
Assesses personal risk factors associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Oral Contraceptives, Bio-Identical supplementation, and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).


The DNA Diet test panel showcases recent advancements in nutritional genomics, aiding in the creation of tailored dietary guidelines and nutritional recommendations for individuals.

DNA Diet is crafted to help practitioners and individuals optimize weight management objectives. It achieves this by guiding the creation of diet and exercise programs based on identifying specific genetic differences in metabolism, lipolysis, and fat absorption.
DNA Diet assists practitioners in proactively addressing potentially genetically vulnerable areas and supporting weight management goals through lifestyle and nutritional recommendations tailored to individual genetics.
- Obesity Risk
- Importance of Exercise
- Carbohydrates as a Barrier
- Saturated Fat as a Barrier
- Monounsaturated Fat as a Benefit
- Polyunsaturated Fat as a Benefit
- Sweet Tooth
- Snacking and Satiety
- Circadian Rhythms
An all-encompassing and precise genetic test for weight management and body composition.
Focuses on specific and clinically relevant SNPs.
Highlights the connection between genes, nutrition, and lifestyle.


DNA Skin analyzes genes related to biological processes that impact skin health. It offers insight into the genetic factors influencing skin health, allowing for a personalized approach to skincare.

This test is suitable for anyone looking to customize their skincare routine for better skin health and to reduce visible signs of aging.
The DNA Skin test assesses the impact of identified genetic variants on skin health and provides explanations for their effects.

Based on the information obtained from your DNA Skin test, personalized recommendations can be offered for lifestyle modifications, nutrition adjustments, and the use of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. These recommendations aim to enhance skincare and minimize visible signs of aging, tailored specifically to your genetic profile.
Your DNA Skin test evaluates how identified genetic variants affect skin health and explains their impact.

With the insights gained from your DNA Skin test, personalized recommendations can be provided. These recommendations may include lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and the use of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. The goal is to improve skincare and reduce visible signs of aging, all customized to your unique genetic makeup.
The DNA Skin test can anticipate how different physiological systems on the skin may respond to both external and internal stimuli.

It can also predict how DNA manages potential damage from exposure to UV rays.

Additionally, it helps identify potential risk factors and inherent tendencies for various skin conditions and traits, such as oily skin or freckling.

With the insights provided by the report, actionable advice can be given, including personalized recommendations for lifestyle adjustments, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and cosmeceuticals.

Ultimately, this test may aid individuals in achieving improved skincare and reducing visible signs of aging.


DNA Smile is a genetic test designed to provide insights into oral health status and predisposition for developing periodontal disease, tooth decay, and other systemic diseases. Oral health significantly impacts overall health, and there's growing evidence linking periodontal disease risk to the development of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and cognitive decline. Supporting oral health may reduce the incidence of oral diseases and systemic health conditions.
The report offers tailored, personalized recommendations for diet, nutraceuticals, lifestyle, and oral health to practitioners. These recommendations aim to mitigate potential genetic vulnerabilities and optimize oral and systemic health outcomes for their patients.

Individuals who may benefit from the test include those preparing for a dental procedure, those with a family or personal history of poor oral health, or individuals with amalgam fillings. Additionally, the test may provide insights and benefits to those at increased risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, or individuals with uncontrolled blood glucose levels.
The DNA Smile test examines 20 gene variations associated with crucial biological areas essential in managing periodontal and systemic health. These include:

1. Innate Immunity
2. Inflammation and Acquired Immunity
3. Sweet-tooth Predisposition
4. Detoxification (exclusive to DNA Smile Plus)
5. Lipid Metabolism (exclusive to DNA Smile Plus)
Identification of genetic variants associated with immunity, inflammation, detoxification, and dietary predispositions is crucial.

Personalized recommendations for diet, supplements, and lifestyle interventions can then be provided to optimize oral health.


Grow Baby tests the genes of expecting mothers, aiming to enhance understanding of key biological pathways influencing maternal and fetal health, and their correlation with major birth phenotypes.
This test is designed to identify maternal health risks and offer personalized advice on diet, lifestyle, and supplements to optimize health outcomes for both mother and baby.
DNA Growbaby analyzes genes across the following areas:

- Lipid metabolism
- Inflammation
- Detoxification – Phase 1
- Detoxification – Phase 2
- Methylation
- Cell signaling
- Monoamine oxidase metabolism
- Neurotrophic pathway
- Progesterone metabolism
- Melatonin metabolism
- Insulin sensitivity, secretion, and metabolism
- Vitamin D requirements
 Analysis of gene variants to provide the most effective diet, lifestyle, and supplement interventions for both mother and baby.


DNA Pain is a genetic test designed to shed light on key biological pathways influencing chronic pain and associated conditions. It offers personalized recommendations for diet, nutraceuticals, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to enhance chronic pain management.
This test offers insight into:

- Improved and sustainable management of chronic pain.
- Genetic markers associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, methylation, cell signaling, and various neurochemical pathways including serotonin, catecholamine, dopamine, opioid pathways, and the endocannabinoid system.
- Personalized interventions including diet, nutraceuticals, exercise, and lifestyle modifications for successful and sustained chronic pain management.
DNA Pain analyzes genes across the following areas:

- Oxidative stress
- Inflammation
- Methylation
- Cell signaling
- Neurochemical pathways
- Serotonin
- Catecholamine & dopamine
- Opioid pathway
- Endocannabinoid system
Provides comprehensive insight into genetic variants associated with chronic pain management and comorbid conditions.
Offers accurate and clinically relevant information.
Emphasizes the inter-relationship between genes, nutrition, and lifestyle.


The Human Genome Project has revealed significant variability in an individual’s potential success in various sports and training responses to specific exercise regimes.

Genetic variation, as expressed through DNA, contributes to approximately 66% of athletic success.

While most exercise programs follow a standardized formula, scientific understanding indicates that the ratio between power training and aerobic exercise should vary widely between individuals to achieve the most successful training outcomes.
DNA Sport provides insights into:

- Individual exercise and dietary responsiveness.
- Appropriate exercise training choices for optimal health and physical performance.
- Training patterns and nutritional intake for optimal recovery times.
- "Prehabilitative" exercise and nutritional strategies for injury prevention.

The DNA Sport report assesses an individual’s genetic predisposition to different forms of training (endurance or power) and recovery. It describes how genetic variants interact with exercise, diet, and environmental factors, influencing an individual’s tendency towards endurance or power-based exercise, speed of recovery, and susceptibility to injuries.
The DNA Sport profile examines genes related to three categories of sporting performance:

Power and Endurance: Genes impacting physiological factors like circulation, strength, cardio-pulmonary capacity, muscle metabolism, and adaptability to training regimes.
Tendon Pathology: Genes involved in the structural integrity of soft tissues, predisposing individuals to tendon injuries and other soft tissue pathologies.
Recovery: Genes indicating disposition to inflammation and free radical stress, influencing the need for nutritional support and recovery strategies between training sessions.
- Evaluate genes impacting Power and Endurance, Tendon Pathology, and Exercise Recovery.
- Gain insights into an individual’s potential for sporting performance, trainability, optimal exercise selection, recovery strategies, and injury risks.

Benjamin McAvoy
Benjamin McAvoy
ACONT is a TGA Schedule 1 listed association (Therapeutic Goods Act 1990, Section 42AA, Attachment 2). Benjamin’s Membership Number is 602019

Benjamin Mcavoy

Email : Message Here
Phone : 0422225151
Address : Horseshoe Bend - Central Maitland NSW 2320 Australia
Hours Are Flexible
Mon – Fri : 9.30am – 5.30pm
Sat : 9am – 12pm - Alternate Saturday's