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benjamin McAvoy


Integrative Naturopath – Iridologist – Nutrition B.Sc – Medical Herbalist Medical Healer -Live Blood Analysis -
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Telehealth & Medi health appointments New available on Zoom

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Resolve The Underlying Issue Using Benjamin`s Naturopathic Remedies

Do you find yourself facing any of the issues mentioned below? If that's the case, there are natural remedies available that might be beneficial​

Benjamin McAvoy Integrative Naturopath possess expertise in offering a range of treatment options for:


Digestive Issues

Have you received a diagnosis of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? IBS is characterised by unexplained symptoms rather than being a specific disease, and it is considered a diagnosis made after ruling out other conditions. Symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramping, and irregular bowel function can be better understood by investigating the underlying causes that may be affecting your digestive well-being. Understanding the root cause of digestive dysfunction is crucial since scientific studies have demonstrated the significant impact of the digestive system on overall body health. Naturopathic doctors are equipped to provide effective solutions for determining the reasons behind your symptoms and restoring the health of your gut.

Book an Appointment for Digestive Issues


Hormonal Concerns

Hormones exert a significant influence on our overall well-being. In addition to regulating reproductive health, they impact various aspects of our bodies such as metabolism, libido, immune system, digestion, cognitive function, and more. Detecting hormonal imbalances can vary from person to person, but generally, if your hormones need assistance, you may experience a sense of being unlike yourself. If you suspect you have a hormonal imbalance, Benjamin maybe able to provide assistance and guidance.

Book an Appointment for Hormonal Concerns


Stress & Fatigue

Do you frequently experience anxiety? Are you finding it challenging to cope with stress? Do you feel persistent fatigue, even after obtaining sufficient sleep? Are you struggling with sleep disturbances? In our increasingly demanding lives, these symptoms are becoming more prevalent in today's world. Consequently, it is crucial to develop effective strategies for managing stress. If you believe that your high-stress lifestyle is adversely affecting your well-being, naturopathic medicine provides various solutions that can assist you in maintaining optimal performance
Book an Appointment for Stress & Fatigue


Immune System Health

The primary function of the immune system is to safeguard your body against pathogens like viruses and bacteria that you come across regularly. Nonetheless, numerous individuals experience ailments caused by an imbalanced or compromised immune system. Autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis) and atopic disorders (e.g., asthma, allergies, eczema) are instances of conditions that can arise due to immune system dysfunction. Naturopathic medicine offers avenues to enhance and restore the strength and equilibrium of your immune system, thereby alleviating the severity and intensity of your symptoms and, in certain cases, resolving the condition.
Book an Appointment for Immune System Health

Services Offered

Have you tried to heal chronic physical or emotional/mental imbalance and you are seeking a new approach?
Do want to feel more integrated and whole once again? Or you are looking for someone with a gentle approach in assisting you to understand your personal health?


Live Blood Analysis

Live Blood Analysis involves taking a single living drop of blood from the finger-tip which is then placed under a powerful microscope. The image is then displayed on a screen for both the practitioner and patient to view. Blood transports oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving agents throughout the body to maintain health. It is also the medium for detoxification, delivering cellular waste to the liver and kidneys for elimination from the body. Blood can, therefore, serve as a predictor of health and provide an indication of illness well before symptoms appear. This method of analysis is different from the usual laboratory tests that quantify the levels of certain components in a sample of blood. Live blood screening gives an indication as to the QUALITY of an individual’s blood.

Learn More About Live Blood Analysis



Do you see eye to eye with your doctor? If he or she practises iridology, you may. Practitioners of iridology may use it to assess the tissue strength of the various organs and systems in the body. It is both the science and the art of analyzing body conditions through an examination of the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Many people consider iridology a diagnostic tool, but that is not how I employ it. Iridology does not diagnose disease. But it does help determine the condition of various tissues and organs, and more importantly, it assists with directing questions and dialogue with our clients.. Iridology is also widely used by herbalists and homeopathic doctors to assist them in discovering an individual’s predispositions to various health conditions.
Learn More About Iridology



Kinesiology is a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at imbalances that may be causing disease in the body. Kinesiology aims to detect and correct imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition or minor injuries. Kinesiology is not used to diagnose disorders.
Think of yourself as a computer. By tapping into the ‘hardware’ of your sub-conscious and conscious mind to see what is not functioning optimally and what it then needs to balance or correct itself. I then trigger your body or mind into deep and lasting changes and imprint or anchor new ways of feeling or being with Kinesiology Corrections.

Learn More About Kinesiology


Barter With Me

Bartering is the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money. It is the oldest form of commerce. Individuals and companies barter goods and services between each other based on equivalent estimates of prices and goods.
Please understand that, not all Barter offers will be accepted
please do not be disheartened.
All Bartering must be completed prior to the consultation (barter) or on the day, unless other agreements have been made. This will make it fair for all.
Please complete the form below and I will respond to your offer of kindness in the exchange between my work and your offering.
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Liver Stress









Wouldn't now be the perfect moment for you to assume responsibility for your personal well-being? Reserve your first appointment today.

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Benjamin is a certified naturopath who has undergone clinical training that empowers him to perform comprehensive medical assessments from head to toe, specifically tailored to address your unique health concerns.

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  • Benjamin is a leading Naturopath, with a special interest in hormonal, Thyroid, gut health and DNA testing; Benjamin also believes in an integrated approach to healthcare, including the use of evidence based natural medicine, and works closely with GP’s and Specialists.
  • Based in the Hunter Valley NSW, Benjamin has spent many years specialising in health and wellbeing and has completed many studies in the natural health field. Benjamin studies have awarded him Advance Diploma of Herbal Medicine, a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Advance Diploma of Iridology, all providing in depth study into each area of Naturopathy.
  • Benjamin has a warm, realistic approach mixed with a strong emphasis on education and patient responsibility which helps to inspire patients to be proactive about their health and make long term changes in their diet and lifestyle that will serve them well in the years to come.
  • Using an evidence based approach to natural medicine, Benjamin uses a variety of comprehensive screening and functional pathology tests to scientifically assess your health, formulate the most effective treatment plan and monitor your progress, to ensure you get the best results.
  • Benjamin is also passionate about educating and empowering people to achieve and maintain optimal health and is committed to providing the highest quality health care.

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  • Digestive Problems; IBS, Gut Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, Coeliac disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s
  • Stress Management, Fatigue and Adrenal Exhaustion
  • Allergies and Food Sensitivities
  • Immunity and Auto-Immune Issues; Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia, Sjogren’s, Frequent Infections
  • Emotional Wellbeing; Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
  • Pyroluria and MTHFR gene mutation
  • Children’s Health; ASD, ADD, ADHD, SPD, ODD
  • Men’s &Women’s Health; Fertility, Preconception Care, Pregnancy, Hormone Balance, Testosterone PMS, and Menopause
  • Cardiovascular Health, cholesterol, Lipids, Triglycerides.

Benjamin McAvoy Telehealth

  • Intergrative Naturopath
  • Iridology & Medical Herbalist
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Pathology & Blood Work
  • Nutrion B.Sc
  • Live Blood Analysis

I invite you to make an Appointment with me today

A Little About Me

As an ordained minister, I wholeheartedly believe and acknowledge the wonderful divinity that is fully present in everyone and everything, an important part of each of our beings that deserves to be supported and cherished. As a result, this spiritual centre that exists within all of us can be enjoyed as a physical entity through a Spiritual Awareness Community, a place where people can come together and discuss and uplift each other and others.

It is understandable that accepting our divine nature, and figuring out who we are as a result, can be a confusing time for us all. Becoming connected with others on a spiritual level, and therefore accepting or divine nature on this world, can often be overwhelming, leaving us with many questions and, often, too few answers. Having been gifted as a Naturopathic Healer, my purpose in life for the last 20 years has been to help people just like you understand their purpose in this world and clarify the way forward into their future as a result. I have helped countless people understand themselves and the world around them, and I am eager to continue my service for many years to come.

When it comes to helping those who seek my assistance, I try to provide a full range of means of supporting my clients, believing that knowledge truly is power when it comes to our own health and divinity. As a result, I utilise a combination of integrative naturopathy, live blood analysis, iridology, herbalism, as well as the knowledge and experience associated with my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Live Blood Analysis when it comes to my work.

I understand that further exploring this part of yourself can be intimidating and nerve-racking for many, but I come to each session with nothing but warmth and compassion for each of my clients, wanting you to feel comfortable and at ease with everything we discuss. I make sure I am clear and concise with my messages and insights at every turn, wanting to pave a well-defined route forward for you to take that you can be comfortable and confident with no matter what else you are experiencing. Whether you’re one to sit back and listen or ask questions at every turn, I am sure I can easily provide you the answers and information you require to be as educated and excited as possible.

The way forward is an exciting one, so let’s get you prepared!

“My mission of Spiritual Awareness is to provide a safe environment of unconditional love and acceptance, supporting all seekers on their paths of personal and spiritual transformation.”

Benjamin McAvoy, Founder

Benjamin's Belief's

  • I believe that all religions have at their core an abiding love for God, neighbour and self. I therefore recognise all paths as spokes on the wheel, the centre of which is Divine. In seeking to serve the needs of our community, our centre dedicates its space, time, and energy to celebrating the spiritual evolution of all people through love, joy, peace and total acceptance.
  • Benjamin has a warm, realistic approach mixed with a strong emphasis on education and patient responsibility which helps to inspire patients to be proactive about their health and make long term changes in their diet and lifestyle that will serve them well in the years to come.
  • Using an evidence based approach to natural medicine, Benjamin uses a variety of comprehensive screening and functional pathology tests to scientifically assess your health, formulate the most effective treatment plan and monitor your progress, to ensure you get the best results.
  • Benjamin is also passionate about educating and empowering people to achieve and maintain optimal health and is committed to providing the highest quality health care.
  • Benjamin’s Specialties are as follows:- Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Live Blood Analysis & Health & Nutrition.

Unvaccinated children's pose zero risk to anyone as by Harvard Immunologists. According to

An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhDDear Legislator:My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.
Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated?
It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide.
You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement.
I have outlined below the recommended vaccines that cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to prevent the transmission of infection (rather, they are intended to prevent disease symptoms), or because they are for non-communicable diseases.

People who have not received the vaccines mentioned below pose no higher threat to the general public than those who have, implying that discrimination against non-immunized children in a public school setting may not be warranted.
1. IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of poliovirus.(see appendix for the scientific study, Item #1). Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades. Even if wild poliovirus were to be re-imported by travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV cannot affect the safety of public spaces. Please note that wild poliovirus eradication is attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral poliovirus vaccine. Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced with IPV due to safety concerns.
2. Tetanus is not a contagious disease, but rather acquired from deep-puncture wounds contaminated with C. tetani spores. Vaccinating for tetanus (via the DTaP combination vaccine) cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is intended to render personal protection only.
3. While intended to prevent the disease-causing effects of the diphtheria toxin, the diphtheria toxoid vaccine (also contained in the DTaP vaccine) is not designed to prevent colonization and transmission of C. diphtheriae. Vaccinating for diphtheria cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is likewise intended for personal protection only. Therefore unvaccinated children's don't cause any risk.
4. The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of whooping cough. An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing colonization and transmission of B. pertussis. The FDA has issued a warning regarding this crucial finding. [1]
Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters, meaning that people who are up-to-date are more likely to be infected, and thus contagious, Unvaccinated children's are more than people who are not vaccinated.
5. Among numerous types of H. influenzae, the Hib vaccine covers only type b. Despite its sole intention to reduce symptomatic and asymptomatic (disease-less) Hib carriage, the introduction of the Hib vaccine has inadvertently shifted strain dominance towards other types of H. influenzae (types a through f). These types have been causing invasive disease of high severity and increasing incidence in adults in the era of Hib vaccination of children (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #4). The general population is more vulnerable to the invasive disease now than it was prior to the start of the Hib vaccination campaign. Discriminating against children who are not vaccinated for Hib does not make any scientific sense in the era of non-type b H. influenzae disease.
6. Hepatitis B is a blood-borne virus. It does not spread in a community setting, especially among unvaccinated children's who are unlikely to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as needle sharing or sex. Vaccinating children for hepatitis B cannot significantly alter the safety of public spaces. Further, school admission is not prohibited for children who are chronic hepatitis B carriers. To prohibit school admission for those who are simply unvaccinated – and do not even carry hepatitis B – would constitute unreasonable and illogical discrimination.
In summary, a person who is not vaccinated with IPV, DTaP, HepB, and Hib vaccines due to reasons of conscience poses no extra danger to the public than a person who is. No discrimination is warranted.
How often do serious vaccine adverse events happen?
It is often stated that vaccination rarely leads to serious adverse events.
Unfortunately, this statement is not supported by science.
A recent study done in Ontario, Canada, established that vaccination actually leads to an emergency room visit for 1 in 168 children following their 12-month vaccination appointment and for 1 in 730 children following their 18-month vaccination appointment (see appendix for a scientific study, Item #5).
When the risk of an adverse event requiring an ER visit after well-baby vaccinations is demonstrably so high, vaccination must remain a choice for parents, who may understandably be unwilling to assume this immediate risk in order to protect their children from diseases that are generally considered mild or that their children may never be exposed to. A lot of unvaccinated children's play important rule.Can discrimination against families who oppose vaccines for reasons of conscience prevent future disease outbreaks of communicable viral diseases, such as measles?
Measles research scientists have for a long time been aware of the “measles paradox.” I quote from the article by Poland & Jacobson (1994) “Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination: Apparent Paradox of Measles Infections in Immunized Persons.” Arch Intern Med 154:1815-1820:
“The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.” [2]
Further research determined that behind the “measles paradox” is a fraction of the population called LOW VACCINE RESPONDERS. Low-responders are those who respond poorly to the first dose of the measles vaccine. These individuals then mount a weak immune response to subsequent RE-vaccination and quickly return to the pool of “susceptibles’’ within 2-5 years, despite being fully vaccinated. [3]
Re-vaccination cannot correct low-responsiveness: it appears to be an immuno-genetic trait. [4] The proportion of low-responders among children was estimated to be 4.7% in the USA. [5]

Unvaccinated children's may create some problems in future. Studies of measles outbreaks in Quebec, Canada, and China attest that outbreaks of measles still happen, even when vaccination compliance is in the highest bracket(95-97% or even 99%, see appendix for scientific studies, Items #6&7). This is because even in high vaccine responders, vaccine-induced antibodies wane over time. Vaccine immunity does not equal life-long immunity acquired after natural exposure.
It has been documented that vaccinated persons who develop breakthrough measles are contagious. In fact, two major measles outbreaks in 2011 (in Quebec, Canada, and in New York, NY) were re-imported by previously vaccinated individuals. [6] [7]
Taken together, these data make it apparent that elimination of vaccine exemptions, currently only utilized by a small percentage of families anyway, will neither solve the problem of disease resurgence nor prevent re-importation and outbreaks of previously eliminated diseases.
Is discrimination against conscientious vaccine objectors the only practical solution?
The majority of measles cases in recent US outbreaks (including the recent Disneyland outbreak) are adults and very young babies, whereas in the pre-vaccination era, measles occurred mainly between the ages 1 and 15.
Natural exposure to measles was followed by lifelong immunity from re-infection, whereas vaccine immunity wanes over time, leaving adults unprotected by their childhood shots. Measles is more dangerous for infants and for adults than for school-aged children.
Despite high chances of exposure in the pre-vaccination era, measles practically never happened in babies much younger than one year of age due to the robust maternal immunity transfer mechanism.

The vulnerability of very young babies to measles today is the direct outcome of the prolonged mass vaccination campaign of the past, during which their mothers, themselves vaccinated in their childhood, were not able to experience measles naturally at a safe school age and establish the lifelong immunity that would also be transferred to their babies and protect them from measles for the first year of life.
Luckily, a therapeutic backup exists to mimic now-eroded maternal immunity. Infants as well as other vulnerable or immunocompromised individuals, are eligible to receive immunoglobulin, a potentially life-saving measure that supplies antibodies directed against the virus to prevent or ameliorate disease upon exposure (see appendix, Item #8).
In summary:
1) due to the properties of modern vaccines, non-vaccinated individuals pose no greater risk of transmission of polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and numerous non-type b H. influenzae strains than vaccinated individuals do, non-vaccinated individuals pose virtually no danger of transmission of hepatitis B in a school setting, and tetanus is not transmissible at all;
2) there is a significantly elevated risk of emergency room visits after childhood vaccination appointments attesting that vaccination is not risk-free;
3) outbreaks of measles cannot be entirely prevented even if we had nearly perfect vaccination compliance; and
4) an effective method of preventing measles and other viral diseases in vaccine-ineligible infants and the immunocompromised, immunoglobulin, is available for those who may be exposed to these diseases.
Unvaccinated children's  will not affect anyone.Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccine status of conscientious objectors poses no undue risk to the public.

Sincerely Yours,
~ Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Tetyana Obukhanych earned her Ph.D. in Immunology at the Rockefeller University, New York, NY with her research dissertation focused on immunologic memory. She was subsequently involved in laboratory research as a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine, before fully devoting herself to natural parenting.
(Original Source: legislature.vermont.gov – Testimony Senate Health & Welfare Committee Wednesday April 22, 2015 H.98 – public records)
Editor’s Note: This article has been slighted edited to reflect the language from the letter submitted to the Vermont General Assembly on April 22, 2015. As part of the Vermont Senate Health & Welfare Committee, it is a matter of public record and accessible here.)
UPDATE: The above links on the Vermont government website no longer work. Here is a copy.


Risk of non-Hodgkin are increasing day by day. Weed killer ‘raises risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma by 41%’
Study says evidence ‘supports link’ between exposure to glyphosate and increased risk

Bottles of Roundup herbicide, a product of Monsanto. Findings come as regulators in several countries consider limiting the use of glyphosate-based products in farming. Photograph: Jeff Roberson/APA broad new scientific analysis of the cancer-causing potential of glyphosate herbicides, the most widely used weedkilling products in the world, has found that people with high exposures to the popular pesticides have a 41% increased risk of developing a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Weed killer mainly cause risk of non-Hodgkin.
The evidence “supports a compelling link” between exposures to glyphosate-based herbicides and increased risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), the authors concluded, though they said the specific numerical risk estimates should be interpreted with caution.
‘The world is against them’: new era of cancer lawsuits threaten Monsanto

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The findings by five US scientists contradict the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) assurances of safety over the weed killer and come as regulators in several countries consider limiting the use of glyphosate-based products in farming.
Monsanto and its German owner Bayer AG face more than 9,000 lawsuits in the US brought by people suffering from NHL who blame Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicides for their diseases. The first plaintiff to go to trial won a unanimous jury verdict against Monsanto in August, a verdict the company is appealing. The next trial, involving a separate plaintiff, is set to begin on 25 February , and several more trials are set for this year and into 2020.
Monsanto maintains there is no legitimate scientific research showing a definitive association between glyphosate and NHL or any type of cancer. Company officials say the EPA’s finding that glyphosate is “not likely” to cause cancer is backed by hundreds of studies finding no such connection.
The company claims the scientists with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) who classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen in 2015 engaged in improper conduct and failed to give adequate weight to several important studies.

Activists protest against the merger of Bayer and Monsanto in Bonn, Germany, in 2018. Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/ReutersBut the new analysis could potentially complicate Monsanto’s defense of its top-selling herbicide. Three of the study authors were tapped by the EPA as board members for a 2016 scientific advisory panel on glyphosate. The new paper was published by the journal Mutation Research /Reviews in Mutation Research, whose editor in chief is EPA scientist David DeMarini.
The study’s authors say their meta-analysis is distinctive from previous assessments. “This paper makes a stronger case than previous meta-analyses that there is evidence of an increased risk of NHL due to glyphosate exposure,” said co-author Lianne Sheppard, a professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences department at the University of Washington. “From a population health point of view there are some real concerns.”
Sheppard was one of the scientific advisers to the EPA on glyphosate and was among a group of those advisers who told the EPA that it failed to follow proper scientific protocols in determining that glyphosate was not likely to cause cancer. “It was wrong,” Sheppard said of the EPA glyphosate assessment. “It was pretty obvious they didn’t follow their own rules. “Is there evidence that it is carcinogenic? The answer is yes.”
An EPA spokesperson said: “We are reviewing the study.” Bayer, which bought Monsanto in the summer of 2018, did not respond to a request for comment about the study.
A Bayer statement on glyphosate cites the EPA assessment and says that glyphosate herbicides have been “extensively evaluated” and are proven to be a “safe and efficient weed control tool”.

The study authors said their new meta-analysis evaluated all published human studies, including a 2018 updated government-funded study known as the Agricultural Health Study (AHS). Monsanto has cited the updated AHS study as proving that there is no tie between glyphosate and NHL. In conducting the new meta-analysis, the researchers said they focused on the highest exposed group in each study because those individuals would be most likely to have an elevated risk if in fact glyphosate herbicides cause NHL.
Looking only at individuals with real-world high exposures to the pesticide makes it is less likely that confounding factors may skew results, the authors said. In essence – if there is no true connection between the chemical and cancer then even highly exposed individuals should not develop cancer at significant rates.
In addition to looking at the human studies, the researchers also looked at other types of glyphosate studies, including many conducted on animals.
“Together, all of the meta-analyses conducted to date, including our own, consistently report the same key finding: exposure to GBHs are associated with an increased risk of NHL,” the scientists concluded.
David Savitz, professor of epidemiology in the Brown University School of Public Health, said the work was “well conducted” but lacking “fundamentally new information”.
“I would suggest it sustains the concern and need for assessment but doesn’t put the question to rest in any definitive sense,” Savitz said.
In a statement Bayer later said” “[The study] does not provide new epidemiology data; instead, it is a statistical manipulation that is at odds with the extensive body of science, 40 years of real world experience and the conclusions of regulators.”
It added: “[The study] provides no scientifically valid evidence that contradicts the conclusions of the extensive body of science demonstrating that glyphosate-based herbicides are not carcinogenic.”
Carey Gillam is a journalist and author, and a public interest researcher for US Right to Know, a not-for-profit food industry research group


Integrative Naturopath – Iridologist – Nutrition B.Sc – Medical Herbalist Medical Healer -Live Blood Analysis -
Tele-Health Appointments


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Telehealth & Medi health appointments Now available on Google Teams

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Resolve The Underlying Issue Using Benjamin`s Naturopathic Remedies

Do you find yourself facing any of the issues mentioned below? If that's the case, there are natural remedies available that might be beneficial​

Benjamin McAvoy Integrative Naturopath possess expertise in offering a range of treatment options for:


Digestive Issues

Have you received a diagnosis of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? IBS is characterised by unexplained symptoms rather than being a specific disease, and it is considered a diagnosis made after ruling out other conditions. Symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramping, and irregular bowel function can be better understood by investigating the underlying causes that may be affecting your digestive well-being. Understanding the root cause of digestive dysfunction is crucial since scientific studies have demonstrated the significant impact of the digestive system on overall body health. Naturopathic doctors are equipped to provide effective solutions for determining the reasons behind your symptoms and restoring the health of your gut.

Book an Appointment for Digestive Issues


Hormonal Concerns

Hormones exert a significant influence on our overall well-being. In addition to regulating reproductive health, they impact various aspects of our bodies such as metabolism, libido, immune system, digestion, cognitive function, and more. Detecting hormonal imbalances can vary from person to person, but generally, if your hormones need assistance, you may experience a sense of being unlike yourself. If you suspect you have a hormonal imbalance, Benjamin maybe able to provide assistance and guidance.

Book an Appointment for Hormonal Concerns


Stress & Fatigue

Do you frequently experience anxiety? Are you finding it challenging to cope with stress? Do you feel persistent fatigue, even after obtaining sufficient sleep? Are you struggling with sleep disturbances? In our increasingly demanding lives, these symptoms are becoming more prevalent in today's world. Consequently, it is crucial to develop effective strategies for managing stress. If you believe that your high-stress lifestyle is adversely affecting your well-being, naturopathic medicine provides various solutions that can assist you in maintaining optimal performance
Book an Appointment for Stress & Fatigue


Immune System Health

The primary function of the immune system is to safeguard your body against pathogens like viruses and bacteria that you come across regularly. Nonetheless, numerous individuals experience ailments caused by an imbalanced or compromised immune system. Autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis) and atopic disorders (e.g., asthma, allergies, eczema) are instances of conditions that can arise due to immune system dysfunction. Naturopathic medicine offers avenues to enhance and restore the strength and equilibrium of your immune system, thereby alleviating the severity and intensity of your symptoms and, in certain cases, resolving the condition.
Book an Appointment for Immune System Health

Services Offered

Have you tried to heal chronic physical or emotional/mental imbalance and you are seeking a new approach?
Do want to feel more integrated and whole once again? Or you are looking for someone with a gentle approach in assisting you to understand your personal health?


Live Blood Analysis

Live Blood Analysis involves taking a single living drop of blood from the finger-tip which is then placed under a powerful microscope. The image is then displayed on a screen for both the practitioner and patient to view. Blood transports oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving agents throughout the body to maintain health. It is also the medium for detoxification, delivering cellular waste to the liver and kidneys for elimination from the body. Blood can, therefore, serve as a predictor of health and provide an indication of illness well before symptoms appear. This method of analysis is different from the usual laboratory tests that quantify the levels of certain components in a sample of blood. Live blood screening gives an indication as to the QUALITY of an individual’s blood.

Learn More About Live Blood Analysis



Do you see eye to eye with your doctor? If he or she practises iridology, you may. Practitioners of iridology may use it to assess the tissue strength of the various organs and systems in the body. It is both the science and the art of analyzing body conditions through an examination of the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Many people consider iridology a diagnostic tool, but that is not how I employ it. Iridology does not diagnose disease. But it does help determine the condition of various tissues and organs, and more importantly, it assists with directing questions and dialogue with our clients.. Iridology is also widely used by herbalists and homeopathic doctors to assist them in discovering an individual’s predispositions to various health conditions.
Learn More About Iridology


Energy Flow Healing

Energy Flow Healing technique that is believed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being, It is based on the concept of life force energy that flows through pathways in the body, and when this energy is low, it can lead to illness and stress. Energy Flow uses hands to channel energy into the patient's body, which helps to restore balance and promote healing.

There are several benefits of Energy Flow healing. One of the most significant benefits is its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. An Energy Flow treatment increases the supply of life force energy in the body, which helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This can lead to a reduction in anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. Energy Flow has also been shown to help with pain relief, improve sleep quality, and boost the immune system.

Energy Flow healing has also been found to be effective in treating various medical conditions. For example, it has been shown to help with chronic pain, migraines, and arthritis. Additionally, Energy Flow Healing has been found to be effective in treating anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Book Your Energy Flow Session today


Barter With Me

Bartering is the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money. It is the oldest form of commerce. Individuals and companies barter goods and services between each other based on equivalent estimates of prices and goods.
Please understand that, not all Barter offers will be accepted
please do not be disheartened.
All Bartering must be completed prior to the consultation (barter) or on the day, unless other agreements have been made. This will make it fair for all.
Please complete the form below and I will respond to your offer of kindness in the exchange between my work and your offering.
Learn More About Bartering


Liver Stress









Wouldn't now be the perfect moment for you to assume responsibility for your personal well-being? Reserve your first appointment today.

Book a Consultation Today


Benjamin is a certified naturopath who has undergone clinical training that empowers him to perform comprehensive medical assessments from head to toe, specifically tailored to address your unique health concerns.

Learn More About Benjamin

Benjamin McAvoy
Benjamin McAvoy
ACONT is a TGA Schedule 1 listed association (Therapeutic Goods Act 1990, Section 42AA, Attachment 2). Benjamin’s Membership Number is 602019

Benjamin Mcavoy

Email : Message Here
Phone : 0422225151
Address : Horseshoe Bend - Central Maitland NSW 2320 Australia
Hours Are Flexible
Mon – Fri : 9.30am – 5.30pm
Sat : 9am – 12pm - Alternate Saturday's